
Breaking News(letter) is a newsletter dedicated to breaking culture.

This newsletter is an attempt to document the breaking scene, alongside a curated selection of mixtapes, clips and stories.

We are in an incredible time for breaking media right now, with podcasts, Instagram accounts, YouTube channels all dedicated to the scene. They are all invaluable resources, and I'm hoping this newsletter can highlight their work, while adding value in its own way.

I'm Alfred Ng, and I've been a b-boy since 2007 and a journalist since 2011. This is the first time I've tried to combine the two interests since 2010.

You can subscribe for regular updates in your inboxes, or come back and check every week for what's new. Either way, I'm grateful you're reading!

Editor's note:

This is a pilot run to see if there's interest in a newsletter about breaking.

I really want to keep this a simple newsletter: One feature an issue, followed by regular sections like Sets of the Week, Mixtapes to Play At Session.

It's free, but signing up tells me that this is something people want. I'm happy to keep developing the format as I learn more about what people are interested in.

As a person who mostly reads my news, I felt there was a void in written content, and maybe other people feel the same way. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you are interested in exchanging ideas or digitally uprocking at me: @al_fraud